Online First Articles

US - China Competition for Global Leadership - An Alternative Perspective
Mohammed Nuruzzaman

This article investigates China’s prospects of assuming a global leadership role in a postAmerican world. It disputes the position of a growing group of American scholars who strongly defend America’s lead role in global politics and advance the argument that there is no alternative to US leadership of the current world order. On the contrary, this article argues that the sense of a relative decline in US power, exacerbated by China’s rise as a gigantic economic power in recent years, threatens to displace the US as the global leader. It concludes that Beijing may not, however, aim to redesign and reconstruct a new world order altogether, as its interests are best served within the framework of the existing post-war world order. In other words, China’s selfinterests would dictate it to lead the world while maintaining the basic structure of the USengineered post-war world order

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