Thematic Issue Call for Papers

North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies


Published by

Center for Peace Studies

South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance

North South University

Dhaka, Bangladesh




Themed Issue on “Contemporary Issues in War and Peace”

(Vol. 2, No. 1, 2024; Expected publication in July 2024)


Themed issue editor: Prof. Mohammed Nuruzzaman (Webpage:


Wars keep haunting human civilizations as in the past, despite regional and global efforts either to eliminate them or mitigate the damages caused by them. Until recently, the Second World War was thought to be the last great tragedy in human history, a view belied by the outbreak of numerous armed conflicts since, inclusive of genocides, and the current Russia-Ukraine war. On an alarming note, undeniably wars have become much more complex in the modern context due to unprecedented advances in military technology and the production of state-of-the-art military hardware, as well as dangerous polarizations of great powers along ideological and civilizational lines (“democratic” versus “authoritarian” blocs, “Eastern” versus “Western” civilizations, US vs China and Russia). Powerful non-state actors and mercenary groups are adding new twists to warfighting and the execution of war strategies (as in Syria, Ukraine, and Yemen). Overall, another great tragedy far more devastating than the Second World War may be in the offing, given the Ukraine-Russia war and threats to use nuclear weapons in that conflict. Such threatening developments have created new compelling grounds to reconsider and revisit contemporary issues in war and peace.


The North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies has undertaken an initiative to publish a themed issue on contemporary issues in war and peace. Scholars working in the broad area of war and peace studies are invited to submit papers to be considered for publication.


The journal editorial team invites submissions of fully developed papers by 15 June 2024. Papers on the following topics are preferred:


·    Philosophical ruminations on war and peace

·   Bipolarity, multipolarity, and the move towards stability/instability in global politics;

·   Intense geopolitical competition/rivalry between and among great powers and the dangers of war;

·  Rising powers in regional neighborhoods and the patterns of alignment and realignment with the great powers;

·  Rising economic blocs, such as the BRICS and the Eurasian Economic Union, and their positions on and implications for global peace and security;

·  Technology in modern warfare and peace—the role of AI, unmanned aerial vehicles, military satellites, and information warfare;

·  Terrorist organizations and mercenary groups in modern wars;

·  The danger of nuclear warfare in a multipolar world in the context of gradual US decline as hegemon

· NATO expansion (including “out of area” expansion) and the prospect of war and peace in the present-day world

Please submit your paper through the journal website: 

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